《喜乐镇英雄 Higglytown Heroes》是由Wild Brain制作的美国CGI动画儿童电视连续剧,在美国迪斯尼频道的迪斯尼乐园播放。
该节目的人物形状像俄罗斯嵌套娃娃,动画每集皆围绕四名具有冒险精神的女孩: Kip、 Wayne、 Twinkle及 Eubie的故事展开,四人从生活中学到团队精神、解决难题及友谊的可贵。每集他们的宠物小松鼠阿 Fran时刻伴随左右,教他们认识各行各业的真英雄。
名称:喜乐镇英雄 第一季
英文:Higglytown Heroes Season 1
- S02E01 Up a Tree/Missing Grandpop
- S02E02 Twinkle Tooth/Flower Power
- S02E03 Flappy’s Not Happy/Electric Evening
- S02E04 Smooth Operator/Stinky Situation
- S02E05 Weather or Not/Green in the Gills
- S02E06 Halloween Heroes/Green in the Gills
- S02E07 Smells Like a Mystery/Ship Ahoy!
- S02E08 All Tire’d Out / Great Un-Expectations
- S02E09 Soup with Stars/The Happy Friendly Sparkly Toast Club
- S02E10 Catch Up with Ketchup/Star Struck
- S02E11 First Snow
- S02E12 Twinkle’s Wish
- S02E13 Twinkle’s Masterpiece/The Egg-cellent Adventure
- S02E14 Wayne’s Ripping Adventure/Meet Eubie’s Cousin
- S02E15 Say What?/Higgly Harmonies
- S02E16 Patty Cake/Havin’ a Ball
- S02E17 Wayne’s Good guess / Wayne’s 100 Special Somethings
- S02E18 Fran Takes a Hike / Mystery at Kip’s House
- S02E19 Bright Lights, Big City/Kip’s Shadow
- S02E20 Kip Joins the Circus/Baby Boom
- S02E21 Twinkle’s Favorite Author/Don’t Fence Me In
- S02E22 Higgly Hoedown/Eubie’s Turbo Sled
- S02E23 Kip’s Dad Gets a Strike / A Really hot Day
- S02E24 Higgly Frog Day / Eubie’s ele-Fantastic aduenture
- S02E25 Eubie’s pink dots / Two Bees Or Not Two Bees
- S02E26 Kip’s Sweet Tooth/Wayne’s Lollipop